Kenda Electronic Systems are pleased to announce that they have been awarded the contract to design, build, test and commission an OMS (Operational Metering Summator), ASM (Ancillary Services Monitoring) and DSM (Dynamic System Monitoring) metering panel for a 33kVConnection at the Windy Rig onshore Wind Farm
The 43MW Windy Rig onshore wind farm project is located in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland and occupies approximately 37 hectares and will comprises of 12 turbines which are due to reach operational stage in January 2022.
The panel will contain Kenda’s Nebula which OMS will interrogate the remote settlement meters, with an additional Nebula providing the Frequency Response Ancillary Services Monitoring (ASM) facility in accordance with National Grid specifications.
All Kenda products are built to meet National Grid technical specifications, Installation and Commissioning of the equipment at Windy Rig will be carried out in compliance with National Grid regulations and our qualified and authorized engineers.